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Latitude: 45.342600
Longitude: 10.679300


The nearest train stations are Peschiera del Garda at 10 km and Mantova Centrale at 25 km, which are served by regular trains throughout the day. Taxis are available at the stations. However, Agriturismo Bortolino also offers a transfer service from and to these two stations. This service must be reserved when booking your holiday.


The nearest Airports are Brescia at 15 km and Verona at 15 km. Taxis are available at the Airports. However, Agriturismo Bortolino also offers a transfer service from and to these two Airports. This service must be reserved when booking your holiday. You can also fly to Milano Bergamo or Venice. From these two Airports you will need to take the train to Peschiera del Garda station (see above).


From South: Leave the motorway A22 (E45) at "Mantova Nord" exit. Follow the directions for "Marmirolo". Once you have passed Marmirolo head towards "Goito". Passed Goito, follow the directions for "Volta Mantovana". Once you have reached Volta Mantovana, follow the directions for "Monzambano" and "Lago di Garda". After approximately 1,5 km you will see indications for "Agriturismo Bortolino".

From North:
Leave the motorway A4 (E70) at "Peschiera del Garda" exit. Follow the directions for "Ponti sul Mincio" and "Mantova". Then continue towards "Monzambano". At Monzambano follow the directions for "Volta Mantovana". After approximately 4,5 km you will see indications for "Agriturismo Bortolino".

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